Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Life is the sum total of transactions, experiences and learnings.  It is only natural that a true understanding of the life comes in only when one traverses at least half the distance.

With the hormones pumping, at the youth stage we are normally aggressive. With the increasing materialism, we initially look at life for positions, power and money.

However, any amount of power, money and position will not deliver happiness unless you are tuned towards happiness. Power, positions and money are not synonymous with happiness. They are considered to be the means to that, as per the materialistic thinking.

See the case of Princess Diana (God save her soul), married to  the ruling monarch in waiting who was rich beyond, she had everything going for her, money, power and position. Look at how her life ended up at!

After our marriage, when we rented out a small house to live, we planted several marigold plants in the garden and it blossomed big, giving such a fantastic, colorful view to everyone; us, neighbors, passersby - all. We derived so much of happiness seeing the flowers. So did we derive happiness when we travelled together in buses, jeeps and rikshaws soaking in the thrill of the experiences there-in. These were truly small things. If we had considered them small and insignificant, and if we were not tuned towards them, the happiness would have eluded us, for sure.

Saying a good morning, giving a helping hand, thanking someone for a good deed, feeding a hungry; all these are happiness providers. These are small, small things. But happiness that they deliver are immense. Only, we need to be tuned towards it.

Happiness is a state of mind. It comes from deep within. It needs tuning and it needs an attitude to create.

Look for happiness in small small things. Create those occasions in plenty. Do soak in the bliss it delivers!

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