Tuesday, March 18, 2014


We can only live in the present.

 The present is so dynamic that it becomes past immediately. It depends upon in what haste we view our present. It could be microsecond, millisecond, second, minute, hour, day or week. The fact is every second passes by to become ‘past’. So, the present is eve- changing. True, change is the only constant at present.

 In these times, when everything happens in nanosecond, the past alone does not lead to the present. Past is passé. With the dynamic intensity of change being so high, we simply cannot live by the past. Past is only indicative, it is not a determinant.

Future truly beckons. Future is where the hope lay. Future therefore, is very aspirational. We look at future with all the positive yearnings. Future is what we are always on the lookout for.

Bad experience of the past and worries of the future can only spoil the present. When we don’t live well in the present, neither will we have a good past nor a hopeful future.

A good present makes a good past. A good past gives a positive indication for the future. Present lived well, not only makes a good past but a great hope for the future.  THE PRESENT IS MEANT TO LIVE WELL, THAT WILL MAKE THE PAST GOOD AND THE FUTURE GREAT.

And that is why we call it present, for present is a GIFT to us, to live well, positively  and happily.

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