Thursday, October 6, 2011


Way back in the early eighties, when one started his career as a sales professional in the instrumentation field, never had I thought of the possibility of spending a major part of the life and career associated with Computers and Information Technology. A North Indian friend motivated me to look up at IT as the field of career choice and with minimum expectations, I walked into the Office of the HR head of HCL at Delhi, seeking out an opening. One thing led to the other and soon I had metamorphosed as a computer salesman. The love affair that had started then with Information Technology is still going strong though one had moved on through the routes of management and entrepreneurship. It had been fun but it had also been a lot of tough learning, for the Technology had been growing at rapid strides and obsolescence was a malady that could strike products and people any day. One had to be on his toes always in the sunrise industry of emerging technology. For those who had the attitude, drive and resilience, this had been a great career that gave excellent learning curve.

John Naisbitt in his book Global Paradox had said that if automobile technology grew at the pace of IT, today a Toyota Lexus would have travelled at the speed of sound for a handful of gas and it would cost less than 2 dollars. It is no sheer exaggeration! That was indeed the pace at which IT grew. Some companies and personalities had been instrumental for this to happen. They pushed, pushed and pushed the technology and people connected to it to take it this far. Thomas Watson, Andy Grove, Bill Gates, Scot McNealy, Larry Ellison, John Chambers are some of the aggressive technology pushers. But among all, stands tall a name, totally apart, mostly untouched by any of them. And that name is none other than STEVE JOBS.

A college dropout, a tinker of technology, Steve Jobs travelled the path less travelled by others. In everything he did there was the underlying innovation. He was the man on the spot, he learned from people and nature, thought very differently from others and dreamt completely different dreams. The maverick innovation that he spearheaded was evident in all that he did, including the naming of the company he founded with Steve Wosniak. When technology organizations called themselves as Business Machines, Microsoft and Computer Associates etc., he called his company Apple (How is an Apple connected to Computers?) and christened his product as McIntosh (which is the name normally associated with Liquor and Tobacco). Anyone who used his products, stayed permanently put with his company. Throughout my career, I had never seen a company that had such longer term loyal fan following. Such was his genius and some out-of-the-world products came out of his stable, particularly in the latter part of his life (yes, there are reasons). Just have a look, iPod, iPhone, iPad….. it was success all the way and Apple laughed the way to bank and the market capitalization of the company hit the roof. Before he withdrew from Apple for health reasons, Apple crossed USD 100 Billion in revenue terms! Need we say more?

It was crazy seeing people queue up before Apple show rooms hours before the opening to buy the products the company had launched. Customers loved every single product of Apple; Apple software partners gained immensely developing apps around apple products. Resellers gained more by selling Apple products. In all, it was win-win-win all the way!

Steve Jobs stands totally apart as an entrepreneur, thinker, designer and even as a human being. Whenever one looked at his photos (that was the closest that I had been to Steve Jobs!) there was this mellow, pale, sad tinge of a look that one saw. His eyes never laughed, it bore a sad expression, an expression that you see in people suffering from the weightage of the thought of all the bad things that is happening around us. But, his eyes also had this steely resolve. It said that he was someone out there to complete what he started….

One is not in the know of his personal life. One has read of his affinity to hippie culture while growing up, his liking for Bob Dylan and Beatles (in fact he gives high credit to Beatles for giving him a management strategy. Somewhere he said “My model for business is The Beatles: They were four guys that kept each other's negative tendencies in check; they balanced each other. And the total was greater than the sum of the parts. Great things in business are not done by one person, they are done by a team of people.") It looks like; in faith he followed Zen Buddhism. His personal life was a very private one. Yes, it best remained that way.

Notwithstanding the fact that he would ever be remembered as an entrepreneur who set up to run a ‘blue ocean’ company, he was forced to quit the company he founded, way back in 1985. In 1983, the company and the board brought in John Scully, the much touted marketing genius who made his mark in Pepsi Cola, to take Apple forward. The tactics of Scully to compete with IBM (thereby moving from a ‘Blue Ocean’ to ‘Red Ocean’ company) did not find acceptance from Steve and the subsequent fracas left him being evicted from the company he founded. Jobs went out to start another company; Next Inc, and tinkered with hardware and software for some time, only to be bought up by Apple which was by then nose diving to obscurity. The second stint of Jobs saw Apple sending Sony’s Walkman into oblivion thru its iPod and later making Nokia run for cover with the fantastic iPhone. And, recently there was iPad the tablet, all going into million unit sales soon after the launch. Futuristic products from the visionary technocrat!

I had always believed that innovation is the outcome of very simple thinking. The more complicated one is, the least innovative he is. All the futuristic products of Apple gave very simple, very friendly but everlasting utility to users. It is rare in the field of technology to find a person who combines maverick designs to very simplistic utility. I feel his prying mind was always occupied with user concerns and pain areas and with 'lay' users in mind he always thought of simple usages for better adaptability of technology. And he succeeded where many failed!

Cancer is a dirty disease. Pancreas cancer is even worse. I was very saddened to read him catching it. The news of his fight with cancer, his long absence from Apple for treatment and him coming back again were read with bated breath. However, finally the genius surrendered to the disease. At a young age of 56, yesterday, Steven Jobs bid adieu to the world. He has become a memory but a very strong one. Every genius in this world would want to take his name in his thoughts. He gave so much to the company, to the customers and to the world.

I bow before the genius of Steve Jobs and pray his noble soul rest in eternal peace.

Mails received from Readers:

From: Gopakumar M Nair []
Sent: 07 October 2011 11:04
To: S R Nair
Subject: Re: Remembering steve @apple campus by many

My dear SR,
Thank you very much for linking me to your blog.
The piece you have written on Steve Jobs in your inimitable and very personal style is very touching. I had known until now your background only from when you left HCL and founded Team Frontline to now. So the previous period that you talk about in this blog and deals with how you turned away from Instrumentation to embrace IT and from a careerist to an entrepreneur not only fill those gaps in my mind but I found them inspiring as well. Youngsters venturing out from professional colleges into the big world will do well to know the path taken by a pioneer like you.
The parallels between your innovative organization in Kerala and Steve Job's on a wider canvas of the world become evident to those who read your blog. Maybe you didn't mean it that way, but then those who know you from close and Steve Jobs from following him through media cannot but see the similarities in the two of you. I am proud to be your friend and customer. In a way, it is my way of knowing Jobs better.
With warm regards and congratulations on an excellent blog.


From: V George Antony []
Sent: 07 October 2011 11:51
To: S R Nair

Thank you and good write up

Best Regards
V GEORGE ANTONY | Country Head - India
UAE Exchange & Financial Services Ltd.

From: C.P.Mammen []
Sent: 07 October 2011 11:55
To: S R Nair

SR, an excellent tribute to Steve Jobs.

With regards,
Mammen C P.

From: []
Sent: 07 October 2011 12:09
To: S R Nair
Subject: Re: Steve Jobs

Dear SR
A fitting tribute to a truly great man. Very well written .
B Balagopal
Chief Manager(MPST)
State Bank of India,

From: []
Sent: 07 October 2011 12:03
To: S R Nair
Subject: Re: STEVE JOBS

Dear SR,

The first mail was sent immediately on seeing your mail .This is being sent after reading your rich tribute to Steve Jobs.You have penned down this from the bottom of your heart .Pl share all such thoughts with us because we will benefit from the same..Iam circulating your tribute to all NIPM members.

I still remember how much moved you were when we lost.Mr.C.K.Prahalad.

A S Girish
Apollo Tyres Ltd.

From: Roy I.Varghese []
Sent: 07 October 2011 12:55
To: S R Nair

Great Obituary.
I have read a commencement speech given by Steve Jobs to fresh graduates in which he said :This is the day I have reached anywhere near graduation !

He mentioned in his speech about three turning points in his life:

1.His biological parents left him in the hospital for adoption and it took a few days for a couple to adopt him who are his worldly parents.

2.His frustrations after he was sent out from Apple at the age of 28 ( I still remember the magazine cover which reads: Jobs is Jobless) and his coming back to life due to his marriage to his girl friend and he went on to create world’s best animation company which merged with Apple and Jobs was back in Apple.

3.His diagnosis of cancer in a routine medical test , was told initially that it is not curable and his plans for the limited period of life left.

I have never used an Apple product partly due to the fear of getting hooked to a company and its products, but always envied the creativity and genius of Steve Jobs.


From: Dr. George Sleeba []
Sent: 07 October 2011 13:47
To: S R Nair
Subject: Re: Steve Jobs

Dear SR,
Really a great obituary about a truly great and noble soul. I enjoyed reading every word of it. Only you can do it !

George Sleeba

From: []
Sent: 07 October 2011 16:06
To: S R Nair
Subject: Re: Steve Jobs

Dear Mr Nair,
Must say one of the more articulate & balanced summing up of a legendary innovator. Very well written. Thank you.

Best regards

K Subramaniam
Chairman, Cochin Shipyard Limited

From: Sunil K Zachariah []
Sent: 07 October 2011 17:05
To: S R Nair
Subject: Steve Jobs

Dear S R,

I just read your great blog on Steve Jobs. Excellent piece indeed.

Best regards,
Sunil K Zachariah

Original Message-----
From: A.V George []
Sent: 10 October 2011 10:22
To: S R Nair;






From: Jose P Philip []
Sent: 09 October 2011 12:22
To: S R Nair
Subject: Re: STEVE JOBS

Dear SR,

A good memorial writing about Steve.
HE succeeded where others failed.
He developed a potential technology for the upliftment of mankind.
Imagin the millions of people who have been benefited with the innovations of Steve , millions of customers,instituitions,corporates, Apple" own employees,etc. in this world .
He has been a cause to change their lives.

Note his words in 2005 , from a talk at Stanford University.



Jose P Philip.

From: I.Balachandran []
Sent: 08 October 2011 16:35
To: S R Nair
Subject: Praise Steve Jobs

Dear SR,

Your Eulogy on Steve Jobs is very befitting the man, who passed away at an early age of 56. Steve Jobs had been an visionary, innovator, team leader, inspirer, developer, technologist, psychologist, marketer and financial wizard rolled in one. He was a rare breed.

So much has been written about him in the newspapers, so much has been said of him in other media. What were the achievements of Steve Jobs? He created excellent user experiences for his consumers that they were ready to queue up for his products. He prized them premium since he estimated that his consumers would see his products worthy of the prize he demanded. His products became such cult items that a considerable section of the wealthy or wannabees wanted ensure they were not seen without them. Apple brought out new versions every six months to tell crazy customers you need to upgrade and they were always ready to do so. He made huge profits for his company that his company's cash reserves were more than that of the "wealthiest" nation of the world. He definitely achieved what none has achieved before. He did all these when he was battling cancer. Truly, a great achievement worthy of, perhaps, more than the praise he received.

But all these also make me think of the value of systems of the society today. Great efforts of people who made an impact on the life of the common man and the poor most often get much less praise. Those who enabled the poor to have a full meal a day get less attention. Take examples of Mr. Swaminathan, the leader of our green revolution or Mr. Kurien, who spearheaded the White revolution. Will the profound impact they made on our country and our people be as eulogised as the man who lead Apple to prosperity and beyond? The media lauds those who the audience wants lauded. Aren't our value systems a little out? Isn't that a root cause for the problems people and nations are facing? Why do periods between recessions continue to shorten? Why are great companies of yesterdays, like Yahoo, cast aways today? Will Google & Apple too take the same route in the near future? Why is success and reign at the top a short tryst with destiny before the fire is extinguished? Why are "investors" giving priority to companies showing meteoric rise but prone to technological obsolescence while ignoring those rooted in the soil?

While we were in the management school, we had learned of the concepts - Product, Promotion, marketing & societal marketing. It was believed that societal marketing, where goods and services that promote the long term good of the society, was the sustainable and durable. But today we make the same consumers consume more of same or similar goods that they may not want anymore till they get constipated. Then the economy stalls. The huge population that is outside the ambit of this overfed consumer is ignored and left to have nothing at all. What a pity!

Isn't it time, we appreciated and honoured real greats who made the lives of the underprivileged better? Should the eulogy match the width & tier of the population who benefited? Or should it be like honouring Obama with a Nobel Peace Prize for what he was expected to do for the betterment of the world but had shown no inclination to do?

Praise Steve Jobs but let us not forget the greater men who made a difference to this world and its 'real' people. Let us also remember there is so much efforts to be done at the grass roots to make the people of this world happier.

An Apple a day, does it really keep the doctor away?



From: Sam Santhosh []
Sent: 08 October 2011 12:30
To: S R Nair
Cc: TiE Kerala;
Subject: Re: STEVE JOBS

Well said SR !.

Btw, Dont forget Steve Job's contribution to Pixar. At one time he was the only CEO in the world running tow multi billion dollar companies at the same time.



-----Original Message-----
From: Murali Gopalan []
Sent: 08 October 2011 09:23
To: S R Nair; TiE Kerala;
Subject: Re: STEVE JOBS


Steve Jobs inspired me, personally, and I set up an innovation program in our company that has become a hit with our customers.

I had a "jailbroken" iPhone in Jan 2006 for use in India that made me marvel at its design and inspired my guidance to my systems development teams for simple user friendly designs.

Thanks for your thoughtful note.


From: Alex Thomas []
Sent: 08 October 2011 00:11
To: S R Nair; 'TiE Kerala';

Dear SR

Lot of people are singing paeans to Steve Jobs . I am not sure whether he deserves all those accolades.

It is sad that Steve Jobs died so young. However, is he worthy of the huge tributes being poured out globally by everyone from national & business leaders to millions of fans of Apple and their products?.

I think we should judge somebody’s legacy by asking how the people in the society are getting benefitted with their work.

Steve Jobs has revolutionized the product design and marketing but do any of the Apple products make any fundamental difference in the way we are living. Many people are sporting iPhones and iPads but does it really make any difference in their lives like Personal Computer made.

The personal computer or the home computer was initially designed by Ed Roberts, supported by Bill Gates and Paul Allen, who were working on the software side. This development took the whole personal computer revolution to a new level . In the process Microsoft made the computers affordable to every one today. Steve Wozniak designed the first Apple Computer a little later which was a slow starter .

Both Jobs and Gates did not invent something very new which was not available in the world during that part of the time but they tried to revolutionize their respective fields..

Microsoft has made efforts to reach most parts of the world and it was Bill Gates idea that the computers should be made affordable for people even in the developing nations or the underdeveloped nations. By the contrary the Mac Books which are very well designed are made and priced in a way that they are not affordable to many people.

Similarly the iPhones which are the best smartphones , designed very well, and priced very high and are affordable by only a small population.

Bill gates is portrayed as a cut throat capitalist but he did his best to reach the masses, earned money and realized that life is more precious than money. Now he use that for charity. Apple also is making money but Jobs is/was a poster boy of the media because of his dramatics. And he is not known for any charitable activities .

Steve Jobs will definitely be remembered by many people but may not be because of any lasting change made in their lives.


Alex Thomas
Managing Director │Tierra Food India Private Ltd│ Cochin
Tel: 0484-2783028│Fax: 0484-2551460│Mob: +91 9388689400

From: S R Nair Sent: 08 October 2011 11:03
To: 'TiE Kerala'; Alex Thomas

Dear Alex Saab,

Everyone is entitled to have an opinion. I respect your views. Knowing you as much as I do, your's is an opinion which normally differed from the crowd.

Having said that, let me put it this way that an obituary or tribute is never done in comparative terms. When someone passes away, it is natural that we speak about his positives and portray the contributions made by him. We call it his 'yashus'. You will agree that Steve Jobs truly deserved one.

Some inputs from you on technology are not factual, I am afraid. For instance, the first Personal Computer with a true OS was Steve job's (Apple's) creation and not IBM's or Bill Gate's. By this very fact itself he will get your acceptance, I am sure.

If PC was a true innovation that benefitted mankind (similar to Internet) some 30 years back, now the innovation called Tablet (Jobs called it iPad) is revolutionalising the unification of media. Our children will not remember PC but this unified device only. Such is always the evolution of technologies of times!

Both Bill Gates & Steve Jobs are creations of American capatalism. One looked at entrepreneurial opportunities aggressively whereas the other embraced innovation. Who is up & who is down does not arise here. But I personally feel that the former is cut throat whereas the latter was genuine (an 'original' - so to say!). That is how most people saw them, mostly.

Having not offered charity does not diminish Steve Jobs's stature a wee bit. (it is normally said that people who offers charity does it due to their guilty conscience). His contributions to mankind thru technology far outweighs the lack of charity from his side. (by the way who said that Jobs did not do charity?)

My mail to you is not to diminish or refute your considered views. I am trying to bring some clarity, that's all. My respect for Bill Gates almost compares with that of you & you know that!



-----Original Message-----
From: V K Mathews []
Sent: 09 October 2011 13:19
To: S R Nair; Alex Thomas

Dear Alex,

Thank you for the interesting perspective, which is different from most of the rest. I also refer to SR's well articulated views and facts. Being a person from this industry where our own business plans and strategies are influenced and affected by such business leaders as Gates and Jobs, I thought I too should share my thoughts.

Steve Jobs is one of the greatest IT innovators of our times whose passion for innovation and perfection is a model for all! He has caused to change the way we live by redefining the human-computer interface and thus delivering a whole new portfolio of services, which has opened up a completely new world of ICT opportunities and benefits.

Having an innovative idea is one thing, but executing it to such perfection as what Apple did is unique of Steve's conviction and determination. And finally, getting his ideas embraced by the world, and more so, by the next generation of consequence is where Steve Jobs standing different from others.

There are always brighter and better ideas, but how does it matter if it is not embraced by the masses? This is where Steve scores 100 percent. With just few products (iPod, iPhone, iPad and the Mac), Steve Jobs created the second most valuable company in the world worth over US$ 300 billion! This is the real stamp of the acceptance and consequence of his ideas, which will influence the way technologies will be used to change the way we live and transact with each other in future.

My salute to this great man who has made such a positive difference to the world we live!

Best Regards

V K Mathews
Executive Chairman
The IBS Group
Phone: +91 471 6614 300
Fax: +91 471 2700 082

-----Original Message-----
From: RK Nair []
Sent: 10 October 2011 18:15
To: S R Nair
Cc: 'TiE Kerala'; Alex Thomas

I had been in the technology field from 1979. I agree with SRs views. There is no doubt that Steve Jobs was probably the greatest innovator of our times. The world ows a lot to this man. Let us pray for his soul. Let us also hope that soon India will see some great innovators like Steve Jobs!
RK Nair

-----Original Message-----
From: abraham ak []
Sent: 10 October 2011 18:33
To: S R Nair
Subject: Re: Steve Jobs

Dear SR

Thanks for presenting my feelings on Steve Jobs in a manner , that I could never have managed. Being a gadget addict, and the possessor of
3 iPods, iPad2, and an iPhone "dupe", I feel orphaned.

Dr AK Abraham

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have no doubt that Steve Jobs did a good job in coming up with innovative products . That does not mean that he changed the world . There are many other people who touched our lives in a better way like Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, Nikolas Tesla, George Westinghouse ,Samuel Morse , Wright Brothers, George Stephenson, James Watt, Marconi etc. Their inventions changed civilization in ways unimaginable and touch the lives of billions of people where are as products invented by Steve Jobs are used by a few million. Steve Jobs is lucky that he could create a cult image by the quality of his products and the billions his company made.

Then why you see all these tributes and eulogy . According to Robert Cialdini we determine what is correct by finding out what other people think is correct. Usually , when a lot of people are doing something , it is the right thing to do. Everybody is singing paeans to Steve Jobs so I will also do the same .

People have very short memory and after a while they will go about their daily lives. I remember the hype created by the launch of Windows 95 in mid- nineties. We don’t hear much about Bill Gates now even though around 90% of all computers still have Windows as OS . Also he set apart for charity a substantial portion of the fortune he made. And this is how the world works.