Thursday, June 24, 2010


A mini story

On an evening, I was at the shop that sells most of duty paid imported stuff, to buy the blade cartridge for my shaving set. Just near me, I saw this lady, a fair one but with careless dressing. Her face said something, a sad look with a hazy expression. She way buying nylon rope and was checking with the salesman whether the rope is strong enough.

“Madam, you can even hang yourself in this. Will not break, very strong imported nylon,” the salesman reassured her.

Everyone in the shop had a hearty laugh at the comment of the salesman.

“Oh I see, It is that strong. Then give it to me” said the lady, who was indeed embarrassed.

We both went our ways after the purchase.

Three days later, while reading the local daily in the early morning, I saw a photo of a woman who died by hanging on the previous day. A strong tremor spread through my body. I wanted to vomit.

It was her………… The fair lady in the unkempt dress with a hazy sad look……………………………….

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