Monday, November 19, 2007


Rajagopal worked for the State Government for about thirty-four years. It was a career he started at the age of twenty-one as a lower division clerk (that was soon after he completed his graduation). Being from a lower middle class family, Rajagopal knew very well that other than his job, there is nothing for him to fall back on. The small promotions at long intervals that happened on his job had made him a Section Officer at the time of his retirement. He led a frugal life full of austerity. Prassanna, his wife and a homemaker, also adjusted herself to such a life. His children, a girl and a boy, were the apples of his eyes. Rajagopal worked hard and saved hard for the children. For their studies and clothes and books and health and all. Renjini was in the final semester in Govt. Engineering College and so was Ajay, in 4th semester. Rajagopal could not mop up sufficient funds to buy land and build a house, so they continued to live in a modest rented accommodation. He used to tell his wife often, “Do not worry Prassanna, our time will come. Renjini will become a Software Engineer and once she gets the job, we will find a very good match for her from a well to do family. And, then our Ajay too will become an Engineer. Once he gets the job, our sufferings would be over. We will definitely have our good time. We will travel to see the temples that you always wanted to visit”.

For Renjini’s marriage, he knew he could use the money that is accrued from his Provident Fund. Renjini got a job through campus selection and she was to start her job at the company headquarters at Bangalore. The day before Renjini was to proceed for Bangalore, Rajagopal developed severe chest pain. He was rushed to hospital but before reaching the hospital, he passed away of a massive heart attack.

Rajagopal died without realizing his dreams, though he was coming closer to it. He never had an opportunity to live lavishly and he only dreamt of the same. He always thought that after reaching the destination, he would start enjoying life. The ‘after’ never happened. His wife and children were crestfallen. They buried the noble soul full of unrealized aspirations. “What a pity!” everyone thought.

We see many Rajagopals amidst us. Poor souls, who haven’t got an opportunity to enjoy in life. Who would be waiting for the responsibilities to be fulfilled before they start enjoying life? People who forgot to live the life. Too bad!

What is your learning from Rajagopal’s story?

Yes, we must enjoy the journey of life, not only the destination. While destination is momentous, it is the journey that is very important. In fact, the journey is more important than the destination.

Take the case of Tensing and Hillary. After conquering Everest, which was their biggest dream in life, they did not and could not stay at the peak long enough to celebrate their achievement, for it was absolutely an unfriendly climate around. Yes, they had conquered Everest but really could not stay put to enjoy the conquest. This is what happens to most of the travelers. But, for Tensing & Hilary, the way to Everest had its own charm. One, it contained the tremendous feeling of being onto some big accomplishment. Second, the view of the mountain was fascinating. The view of the mighty Himalayas could transcend one’s mind and give him a feeling of fullness within. Though danger was hiding in every step, putting the foot forward was a joy, for it had a purpose and therefore it gave tremendous feelings!

The Indian philosophy advises one to do the Karma and not to worry for the results. In a way, it matches with the philosophy of enjoying the journey. Karma is paramount and the result would come. Similarly, journey is paramount and the destination would happen but it is not very significant. So, enjoy the journey!

How do we enjoy the journey? Journey has its hurry-burry nature, it is unsettling, and it is all about being on the move. It is tiring and it saps the energy and resources. Therefore most of us view it negatively. All right then, how does one enjoy a negative deed? It definitely needs an attitude. So, let us create a positive attitude towards journey that we do. Think of it as a big learning process. And also journey is forward seeking, activity centric and interactive (either with the fellow beings or with the nature) and lo, you will find the journey to be fun and positive!

There are many instances of us not reaching the destination that we intend to reach. And some times, we reach a different destination altogether. In both instances, there will not be much disappointment if you had enjoyed the journey. Not reaching the destination or a different destination do not matter much, if the journey is enjoyed well, that is.

See friends, it all depends on how we look at life. Are we viewing it with an eye of things happening sequentially and the end mattering more, or are we seeing with an outlook of all encompassing process, and enjoying the means? The former will make life look boring whereas the latter makes life enjoyable and transcending.

Friends, it is a choice that you make on life. It is all yours.

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