Part of the ancestral
silk route by the sea, eons ago
Now part of nation’s
progress and Chinese ego
Silk gave way to
umpteen new merchandise
It is the new
business avenues that it channelize
The city spends its
energy on economy and eating
Says the
brochure, true, people from all over meeting
Buying things
made in and around, original and ‘copy’
Meeting low and
high aspirations of all the needy
Planned out
well, ambitiously copying a marque city
Wide roads,
multiple metros, abundant electricity
Growing upwards,
tall edifices and a CANTON TOWER
Many industry
verticals combine here to show the power
amenities, fairs and exhibition centres
Converges buyers
of the world in huge numbers
Them come flying
in hoards, fill up lodging halls
Each event
beating early records by many holes
City of
Cantonese loving its rich global heritage
With a fertile delta by
Pearl river cultivating in acreage
Thousands miles
of flow done into South Sea
Rice, corn,
millet, fruits and milk all around to see
City dwellers,
working to strength but lack the zing
Is there merriment
in doing, on the faces does it bring?
Felt it
involuntary, are they in motion for its own sake
Or the rulers
conjuring it as happiness on the take?
Materialism in
culture, overshadowing rich tradition?
Everyone behind
fast buck and quick satisfaction
Purpose and
meaning of living taking the last seat
Is it, none
knows what is in store, thus showing no heat?
Now growing into
maximum city, powered by industries
And global
clients, yet suffering greater uncertainties
Trade barriers
and tariffs, despite ‘open’ economies
Will future get
marred by induced economic squeeze?